Would you like to use an arrays key as a normal variable in PHP? Well, the extract() function is a great way to generate variables from an associative arrays keys. In this article I’ll show you how.
PHP: Find Out The Modification Time Of A File
Do you want to find out the modification time of a file in your PHP script? Well, in this article you’ll find out how easy this is. 😉
PHP: Quickly Generate An Array From Variables With The compact() Function
Do you want to build an array in PHP, which should contain existing variables? Well, there is an easy way to do this. PHP has a very cool function for this to do. You can use the variable’s name as the key and the variables value as the value.
How To Change The Color Scheme In Aptana Studio
Aptana Studio is a great tool for web-development. It offers you a wide range of features. One of this features is syntax-highlighting of sourcecode, which means that different parts of the sourcecode will be displayed with different colors, which makes it easier to read the sourcecode. However, if you don’t like the default theme with … Read more