Cool Shortcuts For The WordPress Post Editor

WordPress has several built-in shortcuts that you can use when writing your blog-posts. They may help you to write your articles more efficiently. In this post I want to show you some helpful shortcuts for the wordpress post-editor.

Links And Media

Alt + Shift + aInsert a linkJust select a word or phrase in the visual post-editor and press the shortcut. The Link dialog will appear.
Alt + Shift + sRemove a linkSelect a link in the visual post-editor and press the shortcut. The Link will disappear. The link-text remains as blank text.
Alt + Shift + mInsert media (e.g. an image)

Text Alignment

Alt + Shift + lAlign text left
Alt + Shift + cAlign text centered
Alt + Shift + rAlign text right


Alt + Shift + uInsert an unordered list ( •..)Select Text and press the shortcut to format it as an unordered list. By clicking once again, the list style will disappear.
Alt + Shift + oInsert an ordered list (1. 2. …)Select Text and press the shortcut to format it as an ordered list. By clicking once again, the list style will disappear.
Alt + Shift + dStrike ThroughSelect Text and press the shortcut to strike it through.
Ctrl + bFormat boldSelect Text and press the shortcut to format it with <strong>.
Ctrl + uFormat underlinedSelect Text and press the shortcut to format it with <strong>.
Ctrl + iFormat italicSelect Text and press the shortcut to format it with <em>.
Ctrl + 1Header 1Format the Text as a header
Ctrl + 2Header 2Format the Text as a header
Ctrl + 3Header 3Format the Text as a header
Ctrl + 4Header 4Format the Text as a header
Ctrl + 5Header 5Format the Text as a header
Ctrl + 6Header 6Format the Text as a header
Ctrl + 7ParagraphSelect Text and press the shortcut to format the Text as a paragraph.
Ctrl + 8FormatFormat the Text (surround with <div>)
Ctrl + 9AdressSelect Text and press the shortcut to forat the Text as an adress.


Alt + Shift + tInsert MORE-Tag<–more–>
Alt + Shift + pInsert NEXTPAGE-Tag<–nextpage–>

There are even more Shortcuts for WordPress available.

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